Table of contents
- Our original goals:
- Have robots reliably actuate and interact with each other in a dynamic environment
- Implement an accurate vision and path-planning algorithm given a top-down view of the environment
- Use SLAM to search for a target in a complicated maze
- What we achieved:
- The TurtleBot can move to the goal position from a random position and orientation in a maze.
- Camera that provides the vision for the TurtleBot does not require to be on top of the maze, also can be at an angled position
- TurtleBot can find its goal correctly even if we change the goal after it starts moving
After actually starting doing the project, we realized that we won’t have enough time to add another TurtleBot. However, we achieved that using angled camera providing information instead of providing top down view, and we also successfully implemented A* search algorithm and controller for the TurtleBot.
Particular difficulties
We found that transform the image using one camera is difficult because the TurtleBot might cover part of the maze/corner causing some issues.
Our Solution: We decided that the initial maze will be memorized, and the part TurtleBot covered will be uncertain. If the camera sees a position as a wall/hallway but in previously memorized grid was uncertain, it will store that position as wall. If the camera sees a position as uncertain but in previously memorized grid was a wall or a hallway, it will not change previously memorized grid.
We also noticed that sometimes base_link flip randomly.
Our solution: Not entirely sure why this was happening, but sometimes adjusting the AR tags position prevented this happening. Possibly, the reason is because of the reflection of the light on the TurtleBot, so we decided to make bigger AR tags to cover the top of the TurtleBot.
When we implemented the
algorithm we wanted to use the Euclidean distance as a heuristic to allow diagonal moves. However, we did not implement it right, and we only discovered it after testing our controller with different mazes.Our solution: We have to update the background cost properly by using the Euclidean distance.
There were two big difficulties with the control part.
First, we needed to do the math to come up with a model for control. We decided to use the proportional control in lab 4, however, there was a conflict in the vision part and the control part since they used different coordinate systems. In the vision part, our algorithm used the Cartesian coordinate system, but in the control part, we interpreted these coordinates as rows and columns.
Our solution: We chose the goal frame of the goal AR tag as the world frame, and we converted all the coordinates with respect to this frame.
Second, how to stop and turn the robot at the corner?
Our solution: We had to come up with a way to detect that the TurtleBot is at the corner, so the TurtleBot can stop and turn to the new direction. We tried many different ways, and we decided to use a distance tolerance and a variable stored a list of turning points (corners). When the TurtleBot moved in the range of the distance tolerance from the turning point, we stopped the linear velocity and only published the angular velocity Twists. To be able to do solve this problem, the vision part had to detect the position of the TurtleBot accurately in term of pixels of the warped images, and it was not an easy task.
Future Improvements
- Introducing another TurtleBot as an adversary to the first TurtleBot.
- Making the dynamic controller more robust
- Make corners more robust to lighting changes using some adaptive contrast algorithm.
- Make pixel of TurtleBot (base link) position robust to glitches in ar_track_alvar.
- Make maze publishing accurate even if TurtleBot covers parts of the maze for a period of time.
- Control using feedback based on boundary points of the robot’s base instead of center.